I go first

18 July 2017

Last week I had my birthday: I turned 35. 

It felt like the completion of a 7 years cycle. 7 years ago – when I was 28 – I went to the US and became a Genuine Contact Trainer. Since then I have taken every opportunity to explore and learn more about this new paradigm leadership approach.

Another 7 years prior – at the age of 21 – I started to engaged in large group facilitation and working with a meeting methodology called Open Space. Little did I know how much this would inform my life and work!

Now I am entering a new 7 years cycle: Where will the next 7 years take me? What intentions am I setting? I have so many plans for the coming month and years and I am excited to share them with you!


If you have been following me for a while, you know that I believe in the power of conscious energy. I believe that transformation and change starts with shifting our awareness. And in order to create lasting change we need to do our inner work.

Do you  dare to lead? Do you know and own your power? In todays TruthCircle Podcast “I GO FIRST” I remind you of that fact, that change starts with us. Listen to the transmission and get inspired!

I believe owning our power and creating value, is the best contribution we can make. What do you think?

DARE TO LEAD <<< Your Time Is Now

much Love
Anna Caroline

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About the Author

Anna Caroline


I am here to change leadership. I help organizations and individuals to create a judgment free zone where they can unleash their full potential to get actual results. read more >