1 Aug 2017
Suddenly I could decipher the signs life was giving me. It is my time to surrender. Time to stop doing and simply be. I have been working quite a lot and now I am taking time off. No output from me, but simply going with the flow of life.
It’s an experiment and I am curious how I come out at the other end. Seven years ago I had a similar experience. I went on a 6 weeks journey to the US to become a Genuine Contact Trainer. My intention was to return profoundly changed and it happened. I had a spiritual awakening and my world has never been the same ever since.
This time I am not taking a training instead I am curating my personal leadership training and I am calling it the Surrender Experiment. Quite the opposite of how we currently define leadership, right?
Yes, it feels scary, to go a new path, to do the opposite of what our culture teaches. But this is how we create a new leadership paradigm. A Leadership paradigm that is rooted in purpose, values and intuition. It feels like a massive stretch and at the same time it feels calming and relaxing.
Where in your life can you surrender more? Where is life wishing to flow through you, while you are still holding back?
I am wishing you a wonderful time and I am looking forward to reconnecting with you in the middle of September.
much Love
Anna Caroline