Community Love

24 Jan 2017

Thank you for being here!

What a joy! I am a community person and thrive when I connect with others. That’s why it feels good to connect with you here. Thank you!

Last week I met many colleague and friends at an annual gathering. Suddenly I had a epiphany moment: I could feel all my relations. It was a bit supernatural and I will share more about the experience in todays TruthCircle Podcast.


Community matters, it can give energy and support. Of course I also had times when a great community was missing. In those moments it was imperative to connect with myself, nature and new likeminded people.

In todays Podcast I share last weeks epiphany and some more inspiration why engaging with community gives energy.

Maybe you are looking for a circle of likeminded people?
I have one place open for Get Ready To Step Up – which starts next week – watch the short video below, and check out if you want to join us!

much Community Love
Anna Caroline

About the Author

Anna Caroline


I am here to change leadership. I help organizations and individuals to create a judgment free zone where they can unleash their full potential to get actual results. read more >