Are you happy

06 July 2016

Last night I was enjoying a dinner with my friends. When I asked them if they are happy –  they said YES. I am not sure the answer would be the same for everybody…. what is your reply, are you happy?

I often find myself rushing through the daily to-dos, loosing connection to my happiness. I get stressed about the challenges in front of me – I might say: “That’s life, that’s normal.” Okay.

But sometimes my stress-level stays high for days and weeks, and I lack moments of feeling truly happy. What a pity!

That’s why in todays TruthCircle Podcast I remind us to be more aware of the inner dynamics created by stress and fear. In the end we are the ones who sabotage our own happiness – even without noticing.

Join me, listen and get some insights right now!

much Love
Anna Caroline

A little about Anna

Anna Caroline


I am here to change leadership. I help organizations and individuals to create a judgment free zone where they can unleash their full potential to get actual results. read more >