How Strong Is Your Heart?

18 April 2017

Did you know that your heart is like a broadcasting station: the frequency your heart sends, impacts how you experience each moment.

We are told that making our dreams come true depends on a perfect strategic plan, but unless your heart is open and strong, your strategy or ambition don’t get you anywhere.

Can you feel whether your heart is strong or weak, right now? When your heart is weak, you lack the courage to express yourself. When your heart is strong, you embrace all of who you are and have the courage to show up fully.


If you are like me, you try to override fear or sadness, because you are afraid that they might be overwhelming. I realized that it’s seldom as bad as I imagine. Once I witness my fears it’s easier to release them. As a result I have much more capacity to focus and to get things done.

In todays TruthCircle Podcast I share how to strengthen your heart & feel more creative, alive and vibrant as a result.

much Love
Anna Caroline

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About the Author

Anna Caroline


I am here to change leadership. I help organizations and individuals to create a judgment free zone where they can unleash their full potential to get actual results. read more >