Intention is your First Step

01 Jan 2016

Have you clarified your intentions for 2016? Or do you believe that is too childish, or time-consuming? I get those thoughts… but let me ask you something: How do you fulfill your wishes if you are not even clear about them?

Little things make the big difference – that’s why I encourage you to get clear on your goals and intentions for 2016. Today I have an intuitive exercise for you to connect with your goals for 2016.

Check out the 10 minute meditation I recorded for you.

I invite you to kick-off 2016 together with me!
My 8 weeks online group coaching program Get Ready to Step Up starts. There are 2 more places available – are you ready?

Get Ready to Step Up.

  • Remember Your Wishes & Calling
  • Learn Simple Techniques to Focus, Plan and Take Action
  • Assign Easy and Powerful Homework
  • Enjoy Pear-Group Learning
  • Get Loving Support for
  • Your Personal Growth
  • Get Inspiration and a Creativity Boost
  • Create Your own Action Plan
  • Experience Your Breakthrough

We are starting on 26th January – let me know if you are ready to join!
If you want to learn more about Get ready to Step up please schedule a call at no costs with me now. Learn more about my online Group Coaching Program.

I would be more than happy to support you in 2016 – to make the year of your personal breakthrough. Contact me for a 30 Minute call at no cost and together we figure out if Get ready to Step up is for you.

I am free to talk the next couple of days, and even tonight!
Looking forward hearing from you.

much Love
Anna Caroline

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About the Author

Anna Caroline


I am here to change leadership. I help organizations and individuals to create a judgment free zone where they can unleash their full potential to get actual results. read more >