Arrogant? Not me.

21 July 2016

Imagine you are free of pride or shame – wouldn’t that be great?! Maybe… But unfortunately we will never be free of pride, shame, judgement and all of those “muddy water” feelings. Therefore I choose to sit with them and get to know my whole self. Why don’t you join me?

Today I visit my muddy waters by sharing a personal “pride-shame”-story with you. Neither because I need your help to fix me, nor because I am different from you. We are all pretty much the same and often play the  “let’s run away from shame & pride”-games.

With todays TruthCircle Podcast I invite you to explore a not-so-glorious place. Why? Because its the only way to get to know your WHOLE self.

Exploring our muddy waters of shame, or angst make us more whole and joyful in the end.

Enough said, this is an invitation to get a bit dirty – join me!

much Love
Anna Caroline

About the Author

Anna Caroline


I am here to change leadership. I help organizations and individuals to create a judgment free zone where they can unleash their full potential to get actual results. read more >